Owning a home in Oklahoma means keeping up with the relentless debris caused by a diverse and ever-changing Oklahoma climate. Pressure washing unsightly grime off your home can prevent your exterior from decaying while also boosting your curb appeal. Our professional crew at Prairie Glass has can assist home and business in maintaining their property's hard and soft surfaces.

Call 918-510-2828 or Email INFO@PRAIRIEGLASS.PRO for a free quote

Is your sidewalk dirty? Does your driveway have stains? Dirt, oil, mold, mildew, and other stains negatively impact the appearance of your home, driveway, or patio. 

 Prairie Glass's professional cleaners can remove these unsightly stains, without damaging delicate surfaces like stucco and painted facades.  

Cleaning windows is one of the easiest ways to improve the appeal of your home or office. Some windows are a 'pane' to clean, others are a pain to reach. We always bring the right tools to provide a fast, safe, streak-free service.

We clean

We also replace damaged screens

Soft Washing uses low pressure combined with special cleaning solutions to safely and effectively removes bacteria, mold, mildew, and other organic contaminants from your roof and homes exterior. 

Soft washing is important for the maintenance of materials that may otherwise be damaged by high pressure washing.

Using the appropriate pressure washing techniques, along with the proper application of the solution, allows us to clean a wide variety of organic and chemical stains.